Cibus21USA Inc. is excited to announce the partnership with J.W Stenger Trucking in Barnseville, Ohio. Together with Cibus21 J.W Stenger is looking to reduce emissions as part of their overall strategy and future vision. Part of this vision is the Beta trials with Cibus21 to reduce emissions, fuel and maintenance costs, some of the biggest (cost) factors within a trucking company.

"The greatest accomplishments result from proactive combination of many skills."
J. W. Stenger Trucking aggressively combines intelligent leadership with their team of professionals dedicated to performance excellence, providing unprecedented specialized transportation service.
Their goal is prompt, professional, safe delivery of every shipment as defined by each customer and their corporate standards of excellence.
Emphasis is placed on extensive training, innovative techniques, flexibility, and communication to satisfy the needs of each customer.
J.W Stenger have been in business for over 20 years giving them an outstanding understanding of the dynamics of an efficient trucking operation. J. W. STENGER TRUCKING, INC. is a general commodity truckload carrier operating within 48 state contract and common carrier authority.
This partnership shows the dedication to make the trucking industry cleaner and leaner within an existing infrastructure on existing diesel truck engines that still have many miles ahead to serve you, the people.